Back Pain

Back Pain

Back Pain is a common issue that can happen to any individual, male or female, of any age group. Both genders can equally suffer from this problem. And if back pain is not diagnosed correctly, it can make your life difficult and prevent you from doing your daily activities. Back Pain Lower can be chronic or acute and, in some cases, might be carried for years. Therefore, if you are suffering from back pain, then get yourself checked at Vencer Hospital in Pune. It has the most advanced equipment with the best-experienced doctors who can provide a quality remedy for your back pain.

What are the Causes of Back Pain?

Back Pain Lower can happen due to several reasons. The most common causes are as follows.

  • Sitting in the same posture for a very long time.
  • Excessive travelling.
  • Old age can happen due to osteoporosis.
  • Vencer Hospital has the best solutions for all sorts of back pains. Our latest back pain treatment methods can act like magic on your body. We tend to stick to quality non-surgical procedures and help patients recover from back pain without much hassle. This Pain can happen in every person, sooner or later in their life. Thus, we aim to relieve patients from back Pain and give them a long-term solution that can help them live long lives without Pain. Therefore, Vencer Hospital in Pune is an all-in-one solution for Back Pain problems.

    Is Back Pain Surgery Important?

    Well, surgery is the last method of treatment when all the non-surgical methods fail. Our skilled doctors at Vencer Hospital try their best to treat the back pain lower problems of the patients with medications and non-surgical methods. But, if none of them work, we resort to surgeries. Our hospital has the best and the most experienced surgeons in Pune who are back pain specialists. We have the most advanced technology machinery to treat your back pain without hassle.

    What are the Symptoms of Back Pain?

    Stiffness or persistent Pain in different regions of the spine, rising from the base of the neck up to the tailbone, Pain around the hips, and upper or back Pain lower while doing strenuous activities are the common symptoms of back pain. Also, after prolonged sitting or standing, chronic pain or lower back pain radiating from the lower back to the buttocks are all symptoms of back pain. If you are experiencing any of them, do not wait for it to go away. It can further lead you to more harsh times. You must visit a doctor soon and get yourself treated.

    Why must you choose Our Specialities?

    There are several reasons to opt for our medical facilities, from the best orthopaedics doctor near me in Pune.

    Why Choose Vencer Hospital for Back Pain Treatment?

    Vencer Hospital is the best in business in Pune for all types of back pain lower disorders. It has the best and the most advanced medical facilities in Pune for patients experiencing back Pain. The surgeons, medical staff, doctors, assistants, and the entire management team are always on their feet to help patients and cure them of chronic back pain problems.


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