Herniated Disc

Herniated Disc

Herniated Disc is a condition where the outer fiber of an intervertebral disc gets injured. It results in a prolapsed herniated disc. This disc is a soft cushion-like structure that comes out of its enclosed space and irritates the spinal nerves, causing Pain and irritation.

Herniated Disc problems are common in young and middle-aged people. This disorder can occur suddenly or over a period of time. If not taken proper care of, the situation might worsen. Thus, if you have such an issue, make sure to visit our doctors at Vencer Hospital in Pune. Our hospital has the best doctors and surgeons who can analyze the patient's condition correctly and provide a solution accordingly.

How Can You Develop a Herniated Disc Issue?

As mentioned earlier, a Herniated disc can happen suddenly or gradually over time. There are certain situations that can contribute to the occurrence of such issues.

  • Falling from a significant height.
  • Landing with heavy pressure on your buttocks.
  • Bending or leaning forward pressurizes the intervertebral discs.
  • All these factors can powerfully impact your backbone or the spine and contribute to the issue. Sometimes, the outer fiber of the intervertebral disc might also get old, leading to such problems. It can happen due to the following:

  • Age.
  • Work Related Factors.
  • Hereditary Factors.
  • Lifting weights in a twisted manner.
  • Obesity.
  • Smoking.
  • Sitting Job.
  • And if you see such problems taking place in your body, do not hesitate to visit the Vencer Hospital in Pune. We ensure that you are fit and stand tall in quick time with faster recovery.

    What are the Most Common Symptoms Associated with a Herniated Disc?

    There are specific symptoms that you can feel if you are diagnosed with herniated disc disorder.

    Neck Pain : Patients with this problem will complain about neck pain.

    Back Pain : Back Pain can sometimes be severe, or it can also occur suddenly. The Pain is sometimes eased if you can lie on your bed still and can sometimes worsen with increased movements. And in such conditions, even coughing and sneezing can cause pains in your back.

    Some other common symptoms are:

  • Nerve Root Pain is also called Sciatica.
  • Lost control of the bladder bowel movements
  • Numbness in the Genital region or impotence.
  • Needle-like or pin sensations are where the nerve gets trapped.
  • Pain flowing down the arms or legs.
  • Weakness in Arms and Legs.
  • Exercise is the best option to eliminate such pain caused due to herniated disc. If you see such problems in your body, you should consult the Vencer Hospital in Pune as soon as possible. They can give you the best treatment and medication and further guide you with the disorder.

    Why Visit Vencer Hospital in Pune?

    Vencer Hospital has world-class and professional neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons who are skilled in the treatment of herniated disc problems. Even if you have to go for surgery, our doctors can treat you ideally. Otherwise, they will recommend the right medicines and physiotherapy treatment, which can treat herniated disc issues and keep you fit and fine.


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