Slipped Disc

Slipped Disc

A Slipped Disc means that the cushion between the spinal bones is pushed outside from the normal position. Since the spinal nerves remain in close proximity, a slipped disc bulging disc causes problems with nerve distribution. A Slipped Disc causes electric shocks through the leg or the arm.

Vencer Hospital in Pune is the best Hospital for the treatment of slipped disc bulging disc. We have some of the best machinery and facilities for the treatment of slipped discs. We also conduct proper scans before the surgery for proper analysis of the problem and the extent of the slipped disc issue.

What are the Symptoms of a Slipped Disc?

When the spinal nerves get compressed due to slipped discs, they don't function properly and cause pain. Sometimes, the symptoms might be mild, which cannot determine the extent of the issue. Therefore, the symptoms of slipped disc bulging disc are as follows.

Electric Shock Pain : Pressure on the nerves can cause abnormal sensations and send electric-like shocks through the legs. When the nerves compress in the neck, the shocks are sent through the arms. And when the nerves are compressed in the lumbar region, the shocks go down through the legs.

Tingling or Numbness : This problem is experienced by those having slipped disc bulging disc issues. Your arms and legs might face pins or needles-like sensations. Similarly, some patients also complain about numbness in such regions.

Muscles Weakness : Slipped discs can also lead to muscle weaknesses. Sometimes, the brain signals are also interrupted. It also causes paralysis of the brain. You can contact us at Vencer Hospital. We can treat all sorts of slipped disc bulging disc problems without any hassle. Our trained surgeons and doctors have years of experience in the treatment of slipped disc problems.

What is the Treatment of Slipped Disc?

The treatment of slipped disc bulging disc depends on several factors.

  • Symptoms experienced by the patient.

  • Age of the patient.

  • Activity of the patient.

  • Occurrence of worsening symptoms.

Treatment of slipped disc bulging disc mostly begins with the following.

  • Activity and Rest Modification.

  • Medicines like painkillers.

  • Physical Therapy.

  • Surgery if necessary.

Surgeons at Vencer Hospital have experienced doctors and skilled staff members who can treat slipped disc problems without any hassle.

How is Slipped Disc Surgery performed?

Slipped Disc surgery is performed under general or spinal anesthesia. The surgical procedure takes about an hour to complete. However, the nerve compression takes around five to ten minutes to return to its relaxed position. The exact location of the issue is found out through an X-ray. Vencer Hospital has the best machines for the analysis of the issue, and the doctors accordingly perform the surgeries for the slipped disc bulging disc.

Vencer Hospital is one of the most prominent hospitals in Pune with skilled doctors. The Hospital has some quality equipment and modern facilities for slipped disc bulging disc surgeries. The patients are first appropriately examined to understand the problem's nature and extent of the problem. Accordingly, we curate a solution and operate.


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